Bond Smart-Triplex water softening unit with automatic JUDO self-cleaning pre-filter

Our customer had concerns about scale formation, corrosion and sediment clogging their domestic side aerators, valves and smaller fixtures throughout this condominium.  The solution involved designing a Bond Smart-Triplex water softening unit coupled with an automatic JUDO self-cleaning pre-filter.

The Smart Triplex design will automatically and efficiently only activate the 2nd and 3rd softening tanks based on required demand for the building.  The JUDO filters have 100-micron mesh screens which automatically self-clean based on pressure differential.  The result is reliable automation that increases water quality, improves laundry efficiency, protects heating elements and keeps smaller valves operating smoothly.  Improved performance, reduced maintenance, savings to your bottom line; Bond delivers a WIN/Win for our customer and the end-user.

If you have questions about automating and improving your water conditioning application – give Bond a call at 844-721-2663.

Bond Smart-Triplex water softening unit coupled with an automatic JUDU self-cleaning pre-filter

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Do you have limited space for your water treatment control center?  Ask our Specialty Services team to help design a compact tank and board mount system tailored just for your site.